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How to create Addon Domain in cPanel

What is an addon domain?

An addon domain is a fully functional domain that will work out of a folder in your hosting account.


You cannot create an addon domain if your DNS has not proprograted to the server. So after change the sites DNS you will need to wait 18-72 hours before attempting to create your addon domain. 

How do I create an addon domain?

Please refer to the below on how to create an addon domain.

1) Login to cPanel

2) Under Domains > Click Addon Domains

3) And here you can key in new domain name and details accordingly.

There are FOUR(4) fields cPanel asks for when creating an addon domain.
1. "New Domain Name:" You will put in the without put www in the name!
2. "Subdomain/Ftp Username:" This will be use for addon/subdomain FTP account username.
3. "Document Root:" This will be the folder cPanel creates in your main FTP accounts.
4. "Password:" fill in any password you want here.

4) Click Add Domain.

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