Solutions for SEO problems

If you have noticed a problem using our SEO tool, please check if the problem that exists is listed below.

  1. Keywords not classified or showing 

You've optimized some of your pages, set your target keywords, and added your competitors. But despite this, your keywords are not ranking (they don't show any numbers or just have a clock icon).

First, do a search on Google's index by entering "site:" followed by your website's URL into the Google search bar.


If your website search does not appear or returns results, it means that your site is not being indexed by search engines. If your website is showing up, but your keywords are not ranking, one of the following may be the cause:

  • Your website is new - Search engines generally rank older websites. So if your website is less than a couple of months old, this could be the reason why your keywords are not ranking.

  • Your keywords are too general or broad and have many competitors - Correctly and appropriately choosing your keywords is essential for successful SEO improvement. Take the time to research keywords suitable for your business/niche or use suggested keywords.

  • The site is not ranking within the first 100 pages on any search engine for the chosen keywords - Only the first 100 pages of Google are detected, so if your keywords are not ranking, it could mean that your keywords are not ranking in the first 100 pages of results.

  • It has a low number of pages and content - Check the number of pages and existing content on your website and work on creating more pages so that it is considered relevant. You need a healthy number of pages on your website to rank – we suggest looking at your competitors' websites for reference.

Did you know?

Businesses with 51-100 pages on their site generate 48% more traffic than businesses with 1-50 pages.

  1. Website not indexed by search engines

Typically, it takes between 4 days and 4 weeks for your new website to be crawled and indexed by Google. However, if your website is still not indexed after a significant time, one of the following reasons may be the cause:

  • Your site is indexed under a www domain or without www - Technically, www is a subdomain. Therefore, is not the same as Make sure you add both sites to your GWT account to ensure they are both indexed. Make sure you set your preferred domain, but verify ownership of both.

  • Google hasn't found your site yet - This is generally a problem with new sites. Give it a few days (at least), but if Google hasn't indexed your site yet, make sure your sitemap is uploaded and working properly. If you haven't created or submitted a sitemap, this could be your problem. You should also request that Google crawl and fetch your site.

  • Site or pages are blocked with robots.txt - Your developer or publisher has blocked the site using robots.txt. Simply delete the entry from the robots.txt file and your site will appear in the index again.

  • You don't have a sitemap.xml - All websites should have a sitemap.xml, which is a simple list of addresses that Google should follow to index your site.

  • You have tracking errors - In some cases, Google will not index pages on your site because it cannot crawl them.

  • You have a lot of duplicate content - Too much duplicate content on a site can confuse search engines and cause them to stop indexing your site. If multiple URLs on your site return exactly the same content, then you have a duplicate content problem on your site. To fix this issue, select the page you want to keep and update the content associated with the additional URLs.

  • It has a lot of duplicate content - Too much duplicate content on a website can confuse search engines and cause them to give up on indexing your site. If multiple URLs on your site return exactly the same content, then you have a duplicate content problem on your site. To fix this issue, choose the page you want to keep and update the content associated with the additional URLs.

  • You have activated your privacy settings - You may have accidentally left your privacy settings on.

  • Site is blocked by .htaccess - Your .htaccess file is part of your website's existence on the server, allowing it to be available on the world wide web. Although .htaccess is useful and useful, it can be used to block crawlers and prevent indexing.

  • The site does not have indexing in the meta tag - Another way to say "no" to robots and therefore not have any indexing, is to have noindex meta tags. It often looks like this: <META NAME = "ROBOTS" CONTENT = "NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW">

  • You have AJAX/JavaScript problems - Google indexes JavaScript and AJAX. But these languages are not as easily indexable as HTML. So if you are incorrectly configuring your AJAX pages and JavaScript execution, Google will not index the page.

  • Your website is slow to load - Google doesn't like sites that take a long time to load. If the crawler encounters endless loading times, it likely won't index the site at all.

  • Has hosting downtime - Check your connectivity. If your host has frequent outages, the site may not be crawling and therefore not being indexed.

  • Has been removed from the index - If you have received a manual penalty and been removed from the index, you probably already know this. If you have a site with a shady history (that you don't know about), a hidden manual penalty may be preventing indexing.

  1. "Page missing from last scan" error

When optimizing a page with the "Optimize Your Page" feature, if you receive the error message "The page was missing in the last scan," it means that you changed the URL of that page. To resolve this, remove the page from the “Page to Optimize” list by clicking the red “X.” Then click the buttonAdd a new page to optimize and select the page with the current URL.

  1. Unable to download PDF report

If you are having trouble downloading the monthly report in PDF, please make sure your pop-up blocker is disabled for****. You can also check if you have an antivirus installed on your computer or website browser that is preventing the PDF report from downloading.

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