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Free DNS zone point domain to Wix

As of our latest package offer, you can now enjoy free DNS hosting for every package/domain with us that you have signed up. To create your domains and start using this service, follow this steps :


1. Login to our client area billing system at :-

For (MY) client:

For (US) client:

For (SG) client:

2. On top of the menu, click > Domains > Manage DNS.

3. Click Add Zone and fill in your domain name which you would like to setup and select the IP from the drop down which is assigned to your "Package name or domain name" which you would like this domain to be pointed to. When finished, click Add Zone.

4. Your domain DNS zones will be showing up on the bottom of the list.


5. Click Edit to start setting up the DNS records that you would like to add/edit/modify.

6. Update the domain A records and CNAME as per below:


For, create an A record that points to:

For, create a CNAME record that points to:


Note 1: In order for you to use this feature, you will need to update the domain DNS name server at your domain registrar to resolve to our DNS server. The DNS name server set will be available when you edit the zones records as outlined in steps No.5 as above.

Below is the nameserver you should apply to your domain name in order to able to use the DNS hosting : 

Nameserver 1: :
Nameserver 2: :
Nameserver 3: :

Note 2: May email to our support via support portal or [email protected] so that we can assist on if user is facing any issue on setting up.


Note 3:May further refer to:

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