This is a guide for you to have a simple sidebar with images on the left of your store. No coding knowledge needed. Simply follow the steps below to add the sidebar.
1. Go to Admin > Themes > Edit Source > layout/theme.liquid
<br> is to insert a single line break
Replace "LINK TO REDIRECT" with the link you want visitors to link to
Replace "IMAGE URL" with the image link of your images
Change the width & height based on your image size
2.1 If you already have sidebar to show collections
Copy the code below, look for <main class="wrapper main-content" role="main"> (Around row 140 - 160), and paste code before </nav>
--------------------------------------------------Copy code here---------------------------------------------------<br><br>
<b>As seen on</b>
<p style="text-align: center;"><a href="LINK TO REDIRECT" target="_blank"><img class="fr-dib" src="IMAGE URL" style="width: 170px;height: 60px;"></a></p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><a href="LINK TO REDIRECT" target="_blank"><img class="fr-dib" src="IMAGE URL" style="width: 170px;height: 60px;"></a></p>
--------------------------------------------------Copy code here---------------------------------------------------
2.2 If you have yet added any sidebar code
Copy the code below, look for <main class="wrapper main-content" role="main"> (Around row 140 - 160), and paste the code after <div class="grid">
--------------------------------------------------Copy code here---------------------------------------------------
{% if template != 'product' %}
<div class="grid__item medium-down--hide large--one-quarter">
<hr class="hr--small hr--clear">
<b>As seen on</b>
<p style="text-align: center;"><a href="LINK TO REDIRECT" target="_blank"><img class="fr-dib" src="IMAGE URL" style="width: 170px;height: 60px;"></a></p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><a href="LINK TO REDIRECT" target="_blank"><img class="fr-dib" src="IMAGE URL" style="width: 170px;height: 60px;"></a></p>
{% endif %}
--------------------------------------------------Copy code here---------------------------------------------------
2.2.1 Look for <div class="grid__item"> which is only one row below
2.2.2 Remove it and replace with the code below
<div class="grid__item{% if template != 'product' %} large--three-quarters{% endif %}">
3. Save