1. Login into Exabytes Billing System
For MY client: https://billing.exabytes.com.my/mypanel/clientarea.php
For US client: https://billing.exabytes.com/mypanel/clientarea.php
For SG client: https://billing.exabytes.sg/mypanel/clientarea.php
2. Click on "Services" > "My Services"
3. On the "My Services" page, the signed up hosting accounts are listed here. Click on "View Details"
4. Click on "Change Password" button, the page will be displayed as below:
5. Refer to the screenshot above, the Hosting account username and password are stated.
6. You may login to the hosting account control panel with the username and password.
7. Shall the username and password are not functional, this might due to
the hosting account password had been updated or changed before you
have updated it from the hosting account control panel end.
8. The hosting account control panel password can be reset when you
“Enter New Password” and click on “save Changes”. Once the hosting
account password reset, you may use the new password to login to your
hosting account.